Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Unit 3: Out of Class Lab

For 1 day, track what triggers you to start eating food. Is it hunger, boredom, an advertisement, a social occasion, etc.?

I woke up this morning and started playing a game on my phone. I drank a glass of water that was sitting on my night stand. I got caught up in the game and didn't eat for a while. I finally went and got some food because my stomach started gnawing.

I did a bunch of homework. I didn't go get any more food for quite a while and only did so because my stomach was gnawing again.

Late in the evening my husband got home and we made spaghetti together. He was hungry. We enjoy making food together because it is a bonding experience and gives us a chance to visit. I was hungry too. We ate a lot.

We watched a movie and then I got bored and had a bit more spaghetti.


When I'm very busy, I forget to eat. I still eat enough but I don't overdo it and I don't eat if I'm not hungry. Sometimes when I forget to eat I go a bit longer between meals than I probably should, but I figure it is probably fine because if I really needed the food, wouldn't my stomach let me know?

When I get bored, I get tempted to eat.

I also often eat when I've gotten home from a stressful day of school.

I also eat if I hear people talk about food, see pictures of food or read books that describe food.

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